PHRST & Company, Inc. services all seven traditional fields of human resource management:
Employment practices
Management practices
Health, safety & security
Compensation & benefits
Employee & labor relations
Staffing & recruiting practices
Human resource development
Working with numerous organizations over the years, we identified a number of activities from the above areas which are used again and again. You can view and select from these frequently used services by HR area to the left. Clicking on any of the hotlinks associated with the service brings up a summary pamphlet on the service which you can view on screen or print.servicesPamphlets follow the same layout to be user friendly, highlighting:servicesCall Center Setup & Metrics What typically is needed in the service area
How we provide state-of-the-art service
Information on service practitioners
When, where and at what price
Information about PHRST
A service deliverables list
Human Resource Effectiveness MetricsTraining Topics AvailableBusiness Coaching Interventionshead barHOMEABOUT USSERVICESHR INDEXTRAINING

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